Ravinder Goyal, Co-Founder, Erekrut

Ravinder Goyal, a Passionate Entrepreneur, Trainer, Business Consultant  Mentor, and Leadership Coach. He has been ini vocational skilling for almost 27+ years and have helped more than 2 Lakh students to get trained and placed. He had a channel network of 600+ partner & associate centres across India.


Technology continues to transform industries, and HR is no exception. When organizations were forced to operate digitally during the global pandemic, workforce management became a pressing challenge for HR executives, and why not? After all, they were not accustomed to this online work environment, and the pandemic called for an overnight switch that nobody was prepared for. 


As a result, investing in HR tech became necessary for companies to equip and enable their HR teams to perform their jobs well. According to a PwC survey, 58% of companies are currently leveraging HR tech to seek, attract, and retain top talent. 

In this article, we talk about the top four trends in HR Tech that will likely remain relevant for HR leaders to recruit and retain the best talent across various roles. 

Reverse Recruitment 

The pandemic not only pushed companies to take the digital route but also created new and more flexible job opportunities for employees. At this juncture, people are mainly looking for permanent WFH job roles to lead a better lifestyle that allows them to prioritize family over work. 

This job trend has resulted in a unique work environment where recruiters are the ones looking for the right talent rather than the other way around. It is thus more essential than ever for companies to invest in technologies that help HRs enhance their reverse recruitment capabilities and enable them strategically connect with potential candidates. AI is believed to be a game-changer in this evolving recruitment landscape. 

Upskilling and reskilling 

The growing digital-first world certainly calls for technical skills and demands employees to be as much tech-savvy as possible. However, it doesn’t mean these skills will overpower soft skills. In fact, soft skills are more relevant than ever in the current business landscape. 

This is why HR professionals must invest in employee upskilling and reskilling platforms that upgrade them over time in sync with the changing job scenario. Organizations must focus on integrating education into employee workflows so that they can stay well equipped and prepared to acclimatize to changing work environments and thrive even during challenging times. 

Gig hiring 

The gig economy existed even in the pre-pandemic days. But it boomed over the pandemic with more and more employees looking for flexible jobs with more convenience and better pay. These are freelance or contractual jobs that call for particular expertise for a specific period and still pay more than a full-time role. 

As a result, recruiters are now looking for employees with short-term job commitments. The fact that such jobs help the employer reduce the cost of employee acquisition while providing employees with more flexibility and pay makes it a win-win for both parties. This trend is here to stay, and more employers will likely follow suit in the coming years. 

Enhanced recruitment experience 

Apart from recruiting and retaining the top talent, it is equally crucial for HR teams to provide candidates with better hiring experiences. From sparking that conversation between employees and talent to absorbing them for a specific role and beyond, companies must invest in technologies that ensure candidates have a smooth and seamless recruitment experience throughout the process. 

Poor hiring experience, on the other hand, can tarnish the image of a company once an affected candidate shares their experience on social media platforms. This will make it more difficult for the employer to find and hire the right talent. After all, HR is all about “experience” in today’s fast-paced world. 

Wrapping up

The future of work will continue to evolve with more and more technologies. And that’s where HR tech will come into play. Hence, companies must embrace new advancements and innovations to ensure they thrive and excel in the new normal. 

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