Marianne Brits-Strodl, The Group Chief Operating Officer (COO), BIPROCSI

Marianne Brits-Strodl holds the Group Chief Operating Officer (COO) position at BIPROCSI, a technology consultancy specialising in data solutions. Her grasp of cutting-edge technologies is further underscored by her concurrent role as the CEO of Dataru, a sister company leading the charge in pioneering an advanced analytics SaaS platform driven by Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With a distinguished career spanning the cutting edge of technology and data-driven solutions, Marianne possesses extensive expertise in harnessing the full potential of data.


In an era where consumer data is exponentially proliferating, the need for innovative approaches to understand and harness this wealth of information has become paramount. Though valuable, traditional segmentation methods, such as demographics or psychographics, have limitations. They offer only a surface-level understanding of consumers, often failing to capture the intricacies of their choices and behaviors. I will explore the tried-and-true data categorisation and classification methods, while simultaneously exploring the more advanced realm of behavioral insights. This shift away from traditional categorisation allows companies to gain a deeper understanding of their customers, enabling them to precisely tailor marketing strategies and adapt to evolving trends based on behavior rather than predefined categories.

I will delve into the transformative power of behavioral data, highlighting its advantages over relying solely on demographic data. We will explore how behavioral data enables a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, fosters personalisation and adaptability, and ultimately leads to more effective decision-making in the C-suite.

Understanding Real-World Interactions

Demographic data, such as age, gender, and income, has long been the cornerstone of consumer segmentation. However, as businesses navigate an increasingly complex consumer landscape, they discover that these surface-level attributes offer only a superficial understanding of their audience. These traditional demographics need to capture the dynamic nature of how consumers interact with products and services in the real world.

On the contrary, behavioral data offers a much more nuanced perspective. It vividly depicts consumer actions, habits, preferences, and interactions. Behavioral data encompasses a rich tapestry of activities, spanning both online and offline behaviors, purchase histories, browsing patterns, and even lifestyle habits. Instead of merely knowing ‘who’ your customers are, behavioral data tells you ‘What,’ ‘where,’ and ‘how’ they engage with your offerings.

Imagine having access to a timeline of your customer’s journey, tracing every touchpoint from their initial discovery of your product to their every interaction with it. With behavioral data, you can track the websites they visit, the products they research, the items they add to their shopping carts, and the feedback they provide. This level of granularity empowers businesses to decode the intricate web of consumer choices and preferences.

Unearthing the ‘Why’ Behind the ‘What’

One of the fundamental limitations of demographic data is its inability to delve into the ‘why’ behind consumer actions. Demographics can tell you ‘Who’ is buying your products, but it rarely offers insights into ‘why’ they are making those choices. This ‘why’ is crucial because it provides the motivation behind consumer behavior.

Behavioral data, however, transcends this limitation. By analyzing behavioral patterns, companies can uncover the motivations and underlying reasons driving consumer actions. For instance, two customers might purchase the same product, but their ‘whys’ could be vastly different. Understanding these motivations allows companies to segment their audience based on shared interests, needs, and desires.

This level of understanding enables businesses to create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with customers on a personal level.

Take the example of a retailer identifying a group of eco-conscious customers. Armed with this behavioral insight, the retailer can tailor its messaging to highlight the environmental benefits of its products, effectively speaking to the motivations of this specific customer segment.

Personalisation and Enhanced Customer Experiences

In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, personalisation is the name of the game. Consumers expect experiences that speak directly to their needs and preferences. Demographic data, however, often needs more granularity required for this level of personalisation.

Behavioral data, with its rich insights into how customers interact with products and services, enables a new level of personalisation. Companies can use this data to tailor recommendations, content, and offers to align with individual preferences. The result? Increased customer engagement and higher conversion rates.

Consider Amazon, a trailblazer in the use of behavioral data. By analysing past purchases, browsing history, and product reviews, Amazon’s recommendation engine suggests products that customers are more likely to be interested in. This personalisation has led to increased customer loyalty and boosted sales significantly.

Iterative Improvement and Adaptation

Consumer behavior is far from static. It evolves over time, influenced by a myriad of factors, including changing societal trends, technological advancements, and individual life events. Demographic data, which provides a snapshot in time, often fails to keep pace with these shifts.

Behavioral data, on the other hand, is dynamic. It changes as consumers’ habits and preferences change. This presents businesses with a unique opportunity for iterative improvement and adaptation.  By continuously monitoring and analysing behavioral data, companies can stay ahead of emerging trends and shifting customer preferences.

Consider a fashion retailer that tracks the browsing habits of its customers. The retailer can swiftly adjust its inventory and marketing strategies to capitalise on the latest fashion craze by identifying popular styles and trends in real-time. Such adaptability can be a decisive competitive advantage in a rapidly changing market.

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Understanding consumer behavior on a granular level also empowers companies to engage with their customers in more meaningful ways. Take, for instance, a fitness app that uses behavioral data to track users’ exercise routines and progress. By sending personalised messages and challenges based on individual activities and goals, the app keeps users engaged and motivated, fostering long-term loyalty.

Another example is that financial institutions can enhance customer engagement through behavioral data by providing personalised financial advice. Instead of relying solely on demographics, they analyse clients’ financial behaviors such as spending habits and investment choices. For instance, they can offer tailored investment opportunities that align with clients’ values and provide savings strategies based on income and risk tolerance. This personalised approach fosters trust, loyalty, and long-term partnerships by ensuring clients feel understood and supported on their unique financial journey.

Media Planning Precision: Leveraging Behavioral Data in Advertising

Imagine a media company preparing for a major campaign. Traditionally, they might have allocated significant portions of their budget to wide-reaching advertising, targeting demographics primarily based on age, gender, and location. However, this approach often proves costly and ineffective, failing to effectively engage the right audience.

Now, let’s introduce behavioral data into the mix. After a thorough analysis, the media company uncovers that a substantial portion of their audience, particularly a younger demographic, passionately interacts with user-generated content and participates in interactive polls related to their favorite shows. Equipped with these behavioral insights, the company can revamp its campaign strategy by creating interactive, user-generated content tailored specifically to engage this demographic.

The result? The campaign not only deeply resonates with the intended audience but also stimulates organic engagement, reducing the reliance on expensive paid placements. This shift in strategy, made possible by a precise understanding of how behavior influences audience segments, results in significant budget savings.

Behavioral data has the power to revolutionise media campaign planning by optimising creative content for specific demographics. Instead of channeling resources into broad advertising approaches, behavioral insights enable campaigns that are not only more engaging but also cost-effective. In today’s media landscape, where every expenditure is carefully examined, this approach represents a strategic breakthrough, maximising return on investment and ensuring that advertising budgets operate with greater efficiency.

Looking ahead, the role of behavioral data in media campaign planning will only become more significant. The evolution of technology and data analytics capabilities will provide even deeper insights into consumer behavior, allowing for more precise targeting and personalisation.

But how do companies get access to behavioral data?

Companies can leverage machine learning to gather behavioral data through methods like website and app tracking, user profiling, predictive analytics, natural language processing, A/B testing, customer segmentation, anomaly detection, personalisation, and more. This data allows them to understand user behavior, predict future actions, segment customers, personalise experiences, and even detect anomalies or security threats.

For instance, analysing behavioral data can help predict which products users are likely to purchase next, segment customers with similar browsing patterns, and recommend personalised content or products. Continuous learning and adaptation also enable companies to refine their understanding of user behavior over time.


The power of behavioral data has redefined our approach to understanding consumer behavior. It offers a dynamic view of consumers that transcends the limitations of demographic data, delving deep into their real-world interactions, motivations, and preferences. By harnessing the power of behavioral data, companies can unlock a deeper understanding of their customers, tailor their strategies with precision, offer personalised experiences, adapt to evolving trends, and ultimately create more engaging and effective marketing campaigns.

On the other hand, relying solely on demographic categorisation is an outdated and inadequate approach. It paints a limited and often inaccurate picture of consumers, failing to capture the ‘why’ behind their choices and missing opportunities for personalisation and adaptation.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing behavioral data is not just an option; it is a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to thrive in the modern marketplace.

To understand consumers in their full complexity, businesses must move beyond demographics and harness the power of Behavioral data to stay competitive, relevant, and attuned to the ever-evolving needs and preferences of their customers.

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