Arunabh Verma, Founder & CEO, InterCell

Arunabh Varma, a sales, digital & marketing expert and a seasoned professional. He has been associated with luxury automotive brands like Audi, Harley Davidson and BMW in the past.  A versatile work experience of 17 years in Telecom, IT, Real Estate and Automobiles. Now an Entrepreneur, creating relevance for youth around the world by empowering their career advancements through the power of digital revolution.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, our personal and professional worlds have steadily intruded into one another. In the post pandemic era many companies are still working remotely, some have adopted hybrid model while the others have started to reopen slowly. From the past two years the world has changed drastically. Many young talents who started their first job were struggling with many things, like how to break the ice with their team, how to proceed with any tasks, how to answer emails, or how to handle any situation tactfully. There are several questions in their mind for which they desperately want answers for.

While many companies know the importance of knowledge sharing, mentorship, they rarely have systems in place to facilitate knowledge sharing, failing to make it a priority. Knowledge is one of the key assets for any organisation. In fact, according to a survey, Fortune 500 companies lose roughly $31.5 billion a year by failing to share knowledge. If any company doesn’t have proper knowledge sharing methods in place, it will soon have to pay a huge price for it.

Knowledge sharing or mentoring is a highly important at any stage of life. It not only provides students & young professionals with guidance or career planning, but it can also help them understand what goes on in any organisation, departments, which can facilitate growth with decision-making or leadership skills, and can help improve individual as well as organisation culture. Young professionals crave opportunities to learn and grow — but with shrinking learning and development (L&D) budgets, it’s becoming more challenging to offer expansive learning programs to them.

Knowledge or skills sharing or mentorship helps individuals connect their deeper human motivations and values to their careers, and aligning these two will pay dividends to employers and employees. Many young professionals feel left out or they do not actively engage at work. Post COVID -19 there are many uncertainties at workplaces and the young professionals who joined their first job are sometime terrified as to what to do, how to approach and proceed on things etc.

Sharing of skills or knowledge, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feel like they matter. Research confirms that quality mentoring, knowledge sharing relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. Ultimately, it is the technology which is providing a platform for the young professionals where they can not only connect with mentors globally but can learn from their experience which can definitely help the young professionals at their work place.

Many employees attribute some of their success to having a good mentor from the starting of their career. Knowing who to go to for help can be difficult. Technology has provided a platform and created many opportunities for both young professionals, students and mentors to provide innovative experiences. Because of the technology advancements any students or young professionals can be guided from any part of the world with relevant skills for them. One of the greater benefits of technology is that these learning experiences can take place regardless of the time and place, and offer each students & young professionals more personalized opportunities for interacting with their peers and the content. This will not only give them an opportunity to understand any segment/industry but will guide them in a step-by-step manner.

Because of the technology, skill and knowledge sharing has reached to another level. There is flexibility in pace and scheduling as communication between mentor and mentee is asynchronous. It doesn’t have any physical or geographical boundaries. It really comforts the mentee and creates a comfortable environment which in return provide a open and fruitful communication where knowledge sharing becomes relaxed.

Knowledge, skill sharing or mentorship not only essential for individual growth but also for the economic growth and development. If one look at it with the long-term perspectives, it will improve living standards and many other things.

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