Sanjeev Choudhary, COO, sKart Global Express

Sanjeev Choudhary is a motivated & entrepreneurial professional with a remarkable capacity for leadership & promoting business growth. He is having more than 20 years of proven experience in the logistics industry. He has excellent knowledge of the freight market in India both from a customer and a vendor/service provider perspective. This makes him the ideal person to churn out complex supply chain solutions within a short time frame with a value for money to all parties concerned.


“Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to a technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history.” Ray Kurzweil. These wise words are no longer a speech for the future but have turned into a reality that has penetrated and transformed every sector around the globe. With the introduction of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the unorganized and fragmented logistic sector has metamorphosed into one of the most advanced and efficient sectors. The last-mile delivery in the era of e-commerce is all about creating a customized experience for the customers and making supply chain management a more seamless process. Artificial intelligence has unlocked the advanced route planning that was difficult for traditional route planning which was tedious. AI enables faster deliveries, improved fleet management, lower safety accidents, and better overall business margins.

How is Artificial Intelligence driving the new-age logistics?

It has brought modifications in the logistics industry such as predictive analytics, warehouse automation, autonomous vehicles, IOT and smart roads, better transportation forecast, enriching data quality, strategic asset positioning.

Autonomous Vehicles- Self-driven vehicles such as vans, trucks, or buses have brought changes to the logistics industry from getting digitized faster, efficiently, cost-effective, reducing fuel usage, and reducing the number of accidents. However, currently, regulations do not allow autonomous vehicles on the road without a human driver, but it is expected to be revolutionized soon. Rolls-Royce has already collaborated with Intel to develop autonomous ships.

Warehouse Automation- Tedious and mundane tasks are facilitated by warehouse automation and transforming the warehouse processes like inventory processing, collecting and analyzing information which increases efficiency, cuts transportation cost, and boosts revenue. In the future, it can help in quality control and eliminate human supervision.

Predictive Analytics- It allows optimization of real-world factors for planning operations that results in cutting down the cost of delivery, reducing shipping time, better resource utilization through data and statistical algorithms to identify the likelihood of future outcomes.

Internet of Things (IoT) – It is becoming the next step in the technological revolution. It helps to achieve connectivity, optimization, innovative management and much more. To be precise, IoT can help companies manage many things, namely Fleet, Inventory, track & trace, customer order & delivery. What unique it brings to the table is predictive & alternate distribution methods which would be a game-changer

Smart Roads- They help in improving road safety and making faster deliveries by reducing supply chain delays due to unfavorable weather. Smart roads are equipped with LED lights, fiber optic sensors, and solar panels to generate electricity and prevent roads from getting slippery in winter by heating up. These LED lights alert drivers about changing road conditions. Fiber optic sensors can estimate the traffic volume and warn of traffic jams and accidents.


Embracing new technologies is crucial for improving the supply chain. In recent times, development in artificial intelligence has completely transformed most industries, and logistics is no exception. Companies around the globe are implementing artificial intelligence for everyday operations in bringing truckloads of data that were tracked by satellites via telematics a few years back. It has unlocked advanced route planning to optimize traditional routes while reducing the cost, increasing productivity, cognitive automation, accuracy, making an informed decision within seconds. It also provides opportunities for logistics businesses to achieve manufacturing, warehousing, and last-mile delivery optimization and helps them to catch up with the pace of today’s world.

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