Niharika Nigam, Director - Business Development, Jumpin Heights

Niharika Nigam is the Director – Business Development at Jumpin Heights, India’s first Extreme Adventure zone. Daughter of Rahul Nigam, founder of Jumpin Heights, she performed the maiden Bungy on the inaugural day, 2nd May, 2010- at the time she was 19, and Jumpin Heights was inaugurated on her birthday. She went on to study an MSc in Marketing in the prestigious Manchester Business School, and formally joined the Company on her return in 2013. Since then, Niharika set up the Delhi Marketing Office to build and lead a strong marketing team of young talent with fresh ideas and palpable energy. With an innate love for extreme adventure, Niharika conceptualizes and introduces groundbreaking ideas/methodology/techniques to the business module, ensuring an engaging experience to adventure enthusiasts.


About physical fitness, enough has been said and done. The crucial question is how strong your mind is. It’s the one area we realise needs as much discipline as the physical, especially after the epidemic when we’ve been put to the test severely.

Bulging biceps, excellent stamina, and physical strength mean nothing if we are not mentally strong, as has been seen in recent years.

So, in addition to our bad eating patterns, our decreasing health is also a result of the junk food we consume and the boredom of our jobs. In the long term, maintaining our energy and excitement is what makes us go further, and a new way to do so is the burgeoning adventure sports sector!

Why go on an adventure?

People are pushed outside of their comfort zones by adventure, which also gives them an adrenaline rush and an unforgettable sensation! It shakes one up from the inside out and breaks the routine!

The capacity of a person to function to the best of their abilities in challenging circumstances or conditions is referred to as mental strength. Some of the smartest and most diligent pupils in school give succumbed to stress during testing situations. Employees frequently struggle to achieve the results at work while facing a tight deadline. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that businesses acknowledge this requirement and spend money on employee off-site experience travel to boost teamwork and productivity.

Bungee Jumping

As a character-building exercise, bungee jumping in Rishikesh was included to the curriculum for National Police Academy (NPA) officers in Hyderabad. It is both thrilling and frightening to be strapped into a harness and standing at an incredible height of 83 metres over a branch of the River Hall in the breathtaking Himalayan scenery. Assembling the mental fortitude necessary to overcome such worries brings out the best in jumpers. a moment they will always treasure.

Jumpin Heights has the highest Bungy Jumping platform in India

The flying fox at the same place is a terrific team-building activity since jumpers are strapped parallel to the ground and zip through the valley at speeds of up to 160 kmph across a 1 km length, and it may be done in tandem or with three or more individuals.

Training Mental Strength With Adventure Sports

For a very long time, the world of sports was limited to well-known sports like hockey, football, and cricket, among others. These sports were also credited with keeping people healthy and adding excitement to otherwise dull lives. However, the emergence of extreme or adventure sports has brought about a significant paradigm shift in the sports industry.

Adventure sports like bungee jumping, big swinging, and water rafting have developed into the most popular outdoor activities in the world today, and they continue to set new records in India. Adventure sports have a tendency to draw people in for their excitement and thrill factor alone, but they’ve also been recognised with helping participants develop their mental toughness.

Participating in adventure sports has a direct impact on a person’s mental health because they are known for reducing stress and tension. In addition to stress, the adrenaline boost makes the event even better and more unforgettable. An devotee of adventure sports can then overcome stress and savour the moment as a result.

Due to its capacity to assist participants ignore outside distractions, adventure sports aid participants in strengthening their focus. A person can increase their cognitive abilities by doing this, which will help them make better decisions and think critically. Building self-confidence begins with overcoming challenges and fear. Adventure sports help people learn how to deal with adversities, which is essential for developing their mental toughness.

Way Forward

Given our current lifestyle, eating habits and work culture, the signs of stress and anxiety, even among the youngsters, are quite prevalent. There is a need to prepare ourselves and learn how to combat the depressive feelings which can lead to more detrimental mental conditions. While we surely need to undertake other key measures, the role of adventure sports in that regard just cannot be overlooked. 

Apart from individuals, the applications of adventure sports can also do wonders for organizations looking to revitalize and rejuvenate their workforce. By indulging in adventure sports, people can reduce stress hormones amidst the stimulation of endorphins – the natural mood lifters that are well-known for their ability to keep stress and depression away. That’s one way how corporate firms can reshape the minds of their employees to help them perform better and more efficiently.

So, the next time you come across an opportunity to take part in an adventure sport, don’t mistake it for just another senseless adrenaline-infused activity, it is more than that.

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