Rahul Ranjan, Director, Mrig Sight Media

Rahul has more than 8 years of experience in the field of Marketing, Business development, Media Relations & Client Relations. He has worked with some of big brands in India and abroad like, Google, Imperial Air, Vibrant Gujarat, Vogue wedding show, CIO 200 award, SME Channel summit and Awards, Vanilla Moon etc., the list is very long. He has massive hold on managing clients, Brand building, Marketing and social media. He contributed much to the organization goals and targets. His performance proven to be among the most effective in the organization. Moreover, he demonstrated excellent behavior and attitude during his work. He is very truthful reliable and sociable. He is also a pleasant person to talk and work within a team.

  • According to you, how has the Media Industry evolved over these years?

Media fulfills several basic roles in our society. It plays a critical role in shaping a society’s thoughts and attitudes. The Media Industry has had several shakeups since 2010. The media industry went through massive, unprecedented changes in the last decade. Increased access and the application of new technologies have evolved and transformed the Indian Media Industry. The audience of the new media is much larger than that of the print era. The progression the Media has made in the relatively short amount of time merited by the introduction of the internet and other electronic communications is undeniable. New media is interactive and is user-generated while old media is a more traditional way of communicating through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, etc. New media gives us a new perspective by allowing us to interact with one another through the Internet. Media has become much more personal and diverse as user-generated content becomes more prominent in our lives. During the pandemic, media played a very vital role. It was media that became the key source of spreading information and entertainment. COVID-19 has highlighted the prominence of media industry. A lot of change is seen in Media Industry in a decade.

  • How has technology impacted the media industry? Has it revamped media for good?

The Media Industry has evolved massively in past few years. The technological development has significant impact. Ten years back people embraced traditional media industry as the primary channel of receiving information, since then, many things have changed. We are now experiencing a significant growth of new technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality and IoT in these sectors. Print is replaced by digital media which is inevitable. The development of recent and emerging technology has affected society in the way we communicate, work, learn and function. As technology becomes smarter, opportunities of rapid technological advancements are becoming seemingly endless, but so are their ethical implications. Technology speeds up the communication between people. Technology provides convenience to use more than one method of communication. Now people can use email, social media, chat messengers, video conferencing, video calls, images, videos, symbols, diagrams, charts and emoticons etc. for the communication. During COVID-19, when country was completely under lockdown technology was only the thing left for entertainment. In the past few years, media industry has evolved a lot due to technology. We can say technology is a blessing for the media industry.

  • What are some media technologies that have come up in this year?

Some media technologies that have come up this year are:

  1. 5G and Wi-Fi 6
  2. Virtual Reality
  3. Anti-ad blocking
  4. Automated Journalism
  5. Social Outreach apps
  6. Internet of Things
  7. Wearable Journalism
  8. Video Creation Technology
  9. Streaming services
  10. Secure messaging
  11. Chatbots
  • How has Digital Media become an indispensable part of our lives?

Digital Media is now an important and indispensable part of many of our lives. Not only young people but people of all age groups are using digital platforms. Digital media plays a dominant role in our life. As technology is rapidly growing and everything has become online it has made our lives easier and has became an integral part. Due to the great connectivity that exists around the globe the importance of media is growing every day. The increased use of digital media is changing people’s everyday lives and the way they connect and collaborate in the broader societal context, at work and in civil society. Much of the impact of this heightened use is beneficial to both individuals and society. It is enabling unprecedented levels of communication, social interaction and community building across boundaries of time, place and social context. It is enabling individuals and speeding up the democratization of knowledge. New learning methods are possible. The COVID-19 pandemic has made given a boom to digital media. Digital media is evolving day by day. It has become the need of an hour and an indispensable part of our daily lives.

  • What technological trends can we look out for in the Media Industry in 2021?

Presently, Technology is evolving at such a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress. Technological advancements could play a vital role in media industry. Digitalization will be the new normal. OTT services will be preferred, media platforms will become conduits for virtual experience, video streaming ill see a tremendous growth. These are some technological trends that we can see in media industry in 2021.

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