Engagemytalent HR Solutions LLP is a brainchild of likeminded individuals who share a common vision to render it back to society. A Premier talent acquisition firm, Engagemytalent was incepted to enhance the General Employability skills of the masses that otherwise face a lot of challenges due to the dearth of an adequate quality Training Opportunity and Environment and to provide them with sufficient job opportunities.
The challenge of employment in the Indian economy, especially after its growth acceleration since the mid-1980s, relates to its quality rather than its quantity. While employment growth has kept pace with the labour force over the long run, what has grown is informal employment. At this point, the biggest problem in India in terms of unemployment is the lack of required skill set for the majority of jobs available. According to the recent report by UNICEF, the majority of Indians would not have the necessary skill set for 21st-century employment by 2030. “Staring at a situation which is likely to spell doom, we are trying to bridge the gap by equipping people with the required skillset. Once they have acquired the same, we help them find the relevant opportunities & avenues”, says Niraj Agrawal, Managing Director, EngageMyTalent HR Solutions.
Offering all services under the Gamut of Human Resources, EnagageMyTalent provides services ranging from recruitment to payroll processing. “Our services are tailor-made for a different set of requirements for a different set of clients. At the time when we started with our operations, there was a serious dearth of HR Consultants in Kolkata. People had this misconception that HR was only about recruitment and we have been successfully able to break that perception & create awareness that there is more what you can expect from an HR Consultant apart from recruitment”, adds Niraj.

Pooling their savings to fund their startup, Gopal Prasad started EngageMyTalent, with whom Niraj has been working since the company’s inception. The team also consists of Ranjana Sen and Priti Saha who are also a part of the core team. “They had taken a sabbatical from their work at some point in their lives due to personal reasons. Now, here they are, forming our core team. So, you can easily gauge the kind of journey which they had traversed and how they had evolved in due course of time. We, as an employer, believe in the idea of providing equal opportunities to all and sundry. We believe that a woman need not be empowered by us. She is already empowered. All she needs is the opportunities”, opines Niraj.
Providing services that are reasonably priced, competitive, and cost-effective, EngageMyTalent started with a clean slate as they believed that assumptions can be a recipe for disaster. “We did not have any preconceived notions about the market. For us, everyone is an ideal customer, be it a job seeker or job giver”, quips Niraj. Having been able to build a credible professional relationship with our clients, EnagageMyTalent has had a 100% success rate when it comes to retaining their clients. Niraj adds, “We have successfully placed more than 500 candidates in the span of 2 years and have started making a profit since our 4th month in business”.

Setting a benchmark in the market, EngageMyTalent does not bother about its competitors. “The only competition which we have is with us as we want to better the benchmark”, opines Niraj. Considering their honesty and dedication towards their client as their USP, he also adds, “We as an organization do not believe in doing different things; rather, we believe in doing things differently. We spend a lot of time researching the requirements of different clients to come up with the best possible solutions and of course within their budget”.
Consolidating and strengthening their position in the market, EngageMyTalent plans to scale up its operations. “As our nature of work has an enormous scope of scaling up, we wish to start operating in Bangalore at the beginning of next year, and explore opportunities in other metro cities like Hyderabad and Pune”, says Niraj.
Whether it’s the ruthless corporate culture or the repetitive daily tasks, the thought of escaping it all and controlling your destiny is a hugely attractive prospect. Yet people refrain from taking the jump as they need a degree in marketing or an MBA to understand the industry when we are living in an internet-driven world where one can achieve success without having the qualifications or business experience. “My message is to not have a preconceived notion regarding Market Dynamics. Operate with a fresh set of mind, and certainly, you would achieve your goals”, concludes Niraj.