Dr. Tandra A. Price, International Keynoter, Communications Expert & Networking Strategist

Dr. Tandra A. Price is an award-winning international keynoter, social communications expert, and global networking strategist. Leveraging over 30 years of entrepreneurship experience. Affectionally known as the “The Networking Ninja,” Tandra has become the leading authority on igniting innovation and creating environments that foster success. Embodying her motto of “Each One Promote One,” she facilitates multi-city networking groups and events around the country and on social media. Tandra’s extensive communications expertise had earned her invitations to speak on major corporate stages across the country. She is also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Tap-In Magazine, a world-renowned, international publication, and networking community dedicated to promoting and celebrating established and aspiring businesses, entrepreneurs, and business owners worldwide.


Knowing your target market is critical if you want to sell your product or service. To whom do you intend to appeal?

That is the eternal query. Who will gain, or what issue are you attempting to fix? It doesn’t matter how great your goods or services are if no one sees them. This means it won’t be moved at any point in the future.

Customers will reveal their goals, requirements, and preferences to us if we listen carefully. They’ll also show us how to reach them most effectively by revealing the channels (email, SMS) and content formats (videos, live streams) that resonate most with them. As business owners, it’s our responsibility to pay attention to these signals and respond appropriately.

The development of a product or service is often the result of the designer’s own encounters with the market or of trial and error. When we try out a strategy ourselves or see someone else use it successfully, it convinces us that our own strategy is right.

However, what exactly does “networking” entail?

It’s important to be aware that any time two people communicate with one another, they are engaging in networking. The term “networking” itself is so overused that it hardly merits mention. When asked to imagine an embarrassing social circumstance, most people picture having to talk to a bunch of strangers or participate in a large gathering where they don’t know anyone. In an effort to convince them to buy their wares.

In fact, networking occurs any moment you make eye contact with another person or initiate a conversation. It’s a chance to put your best foot forward and promote what you have to offer. The most important thing is to listen carefully and not steal the spotlight from the other person.

Let your potential new client do most of the talking and ask questions only when necessary to learn as much as possible about them. Nod your head from time to time to show that you are paying attention to the conversation and want it to continue. Keeps the conversation going by asking about their hobbies and work; this will put them at ease and encourage them to open up to you.

That interviewer’s hat is on you. The interview process is like a tango in that it requires both partners to move with fluidity and confidence. You’re meeting to see if this person or company is a good referral source or complementary to your business. The more you listen to the other person, the better you’ll understand their needs and how to meet them.

In networking, a reference is the highest compliment you can pay someone else. Customers and clients appreciate it when they feel like they have a partner in success. You should always keep in mind that the person you are networking with is more important than your own needs. Keep in mind that any interaction could lead to a sale, and any buyer could lead to a recommendation.

Most people give up on networking after their first unsuccessful attempt. Because networking entails connecting with other customers or clients who share your interests, it shouldn’t feel forced (like making money). Simply realizing and appreciating the positive impacts of networking on your business and its ability to attract and retain customers is all that is required.

Do you ever get calls from people who say they were referred to you by a mutual contact? The way our clients and customers want us to connect with them online is something we pay special attention to. The success of our company hinges on our clients, but we ourselves hold the key to expansion.

The point isn’t to close a deal immediately, but to lay the groundwork for future deals. Referrals play a crucial role in this process. One of the most effective strategies to expand your customer base and increase your business is through word-of-mouth advertising in the form of referrals from satisfied customers.

There’s some validity to the adage that the money is in the follow-up. We’ve heard it countless times. Referrals are a source of passive income and financial security. Giving a referral to a potential client or customer when you know you can’t serve them is priceless. By emphasizing this, you show your prospective client that you care more about their success than your own.

All of us here at the office like to think of ourselves as quite astute and wise businesspeople. Of course, we can all do better, and one of the best ways to do so is to take into account the opinions of those we serve.

Sometimes, in the midst of running a company, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that your customers and clients are the most important assets you possess.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “But I know my customers already!” But what if I told you that there is more than one way to find out the truth about someone? What if I told you that improving your understanding of them would lead to exponential growth for your company?

Companies that value their consumers’ opinions above all else will succeed.

One must not only hear what others are saying but also focus on the content and delivery of their words in order to be considered a good listener. We’re not merely talking about hearing people out; rather, we’re referring to actively taking in and processing the feedback of your target market.

Putting your ear to the door and waiting for people to come to you isn’t effective anymore (or in your inbox). “If they build it, they will come” no longer applies to the modern world. Now more than ever, businesses need to take advantage of the wealth of data they can collect on their clients in order to thrive.

Your attentiveness and level of listening are crucial.

The way we meet new people has been completely transformed by social networking. Social media has taught us more about our clientele than countless informal coffee chats ever could teach us more about our clientele than countless informal coffee chats ever could. By hearing what they have to say about the best way for us to engage with them, we can provide aid much more quickly. Don’t pass up a chance because you weren’t paying attention.

“The blessings are in the show-up.” – Dr. Tandra A. Price

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