John Wilkie, Chief Executive Officer, MWM Payments

John Wilkie is a 21-year-old entrepreneur with an extensive background in finance, engineering & fintech with a desire to impact the world through positive change. His routes stem all the way from the Scottish Highlands where from the age of 15 he wanted to change the world through financial technology and impacting others while being a professional athlete at the same time. John started his first company in the back of Covid-19 when travel was restricted and founded a virtual tour company with success, he then later founded several enterprises solving problems ranging from a fashion brand, consultancy, PSP platform, & payment orchestration company while still being in university and are still running today. 


Payment orchestration has come a long way since its inception in the 2010s, and it is poised to continue evolving in the years to come. As consumers become more tech-savvy and demand more seamless payment experiences, payment orchestration companies will need to keep up with the times. Here are some of the trends we can expect to see in the future of payment orchestration:

  1. Increased focus on security: As more and more sensitive financial information is transmitted over the internet; security will continue to be a top concern for businesses and consumers alike. Payment orchestration platforms will need to prioritize security measures like encryption, tokenization, and fraud detection to ensure that transactions remain safe and secure.
  2. Greater flexibility: One of the key benefits of payment orchestration is its ability to manage multiple payment methods, currencies, and countries from a single interface. In the future, we can expect to see even greater flexibility as payment orchestration platforms integrate with more payment gateways and offer more customization options.
  3. Enhanced analytics: Payment orchestration platforms generate a wealth of data that can be used to optimize payment processes and improve the customer experience. In the future, we can expect to see payment orchestration platforms offer even more advanced analytics tools to help businesses make data-driven decisions.
  4. Integration with emerging technologies: As new technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence continue to emerge, payment orchestration platforms will need to adapt to keep up. We can expect to see payment orchestration platforms integrate with these emerging technologies to offer even more advanced payment solutions.
  5. Increased automation: Payment orchestration is already a highly automated process, but we can expect to see even more automation in the future. This will help businesses to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience.

Overall, the future of payment orchestration looks bright. As businesses and consumers become more comfortable with digital payments, payment orchestration platforms will continue to play a critical role in facilitating these transactions. By staying on top of emerging trends and technologies, payment orchestration platforms will be well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of businesses and consumers alike.

How Payment Orchestration Started

Payment orchestration has its roots in the growing complexity of the payments landscape. As more payment methods and gateways emerged, businesses found it increasingly difficult to manage them all efficiently. This led to the development of payment orchestration platforms, which provide a centralized way to manage multiple payment methods and gateways.

The first payment orchestration platforms were developed in the early 2010s, with the goal of simplifying payment management for businesses. These platforms typically provided a single API that businesses could use to integrate with multiple payment gateways and other systems.

Over time, payment orchestration platforms have become more sophisticated, offering features like fraud detection, currency conversion, and real-time reporting. Today, payment orchestration is a critical part of many businesses’ payment strategies, helping them to streamline payment processing, improve the customer experience, and reduce costs.

Use cases of Payment Orchestration

Payment orchestration is used to manage and streamline the payment process for businesses. This can include managing multiple payment methods, currencies, and payment gateways. Some common use cases for payment orchestration include:

  1. E-commerce: Payment orchestration can be used to manage payments for online stores, making it easy for customers to pay using a variety of payment methods.
  2. Subscription services: Payment orchestration can help manage recurring payments for subscription services, ensuring that payments are processed on time and that customers are not overcharged.
  3. Marketplaces: Payment orchestration can be used to manage payments between buyers and sellers on online marketplaces, ensuring that payments are processed quickly and securely.
  4. Mobile payments: Payment orchestration can be used to manage mobile payments, making it easy for customers to pay using their mobile devices.
  5. International payments: Payment orchestration can help manage payments in different currencies, making it easy for businesses to accept payments from customers around the world.

Overall, payment orchestration can help businesses streamline their payment processes, reduce costs, and improve the customer experience.

Struggles of Implementing Payment Orchestration

  1. Integration: Payment orchestration can involve integrating with multiple payment gateways and other systems, which can be complex and time-consuming.
  2. Complexity: Payment orchestration can be complex, especially when dealing with multiple payment methods and currencies.
  3. Security: Payment orchestration involves handling sensitive financial information, so security is a major concern. Businesses need to ensure that they are using secure payment gateways and that they are complying with relevant regulations.
  4. Maintenance: Payment orchestration requires ongoing maintenance and updates, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  5. Cost: Payment orchestration can be expensive, especially when dealing with multiple payment gateways and currencies.

Despite these challenges, payment orchestration can provide significant benefits for businesses, including increased efficiency, improved customer experience, and reduced costs. With the right approach and tools, businesses can overcome these challenges and reap the benefits of payment orchestration.

Benefits of Payment Orchestration

Payment orchestration is a powerful tool for companies that want to streamline their payment processes. By using a payment orchestration platform, businesses can easily manage multiple payment methods, currencies, and countries from a single interface. This can help to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience. Overall, payment orchestration is a great way for companies to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced digital economy.


As businesses continue to grow and expand internationally, payment orchestration will be a norm in the future tomorrow enabling businesses to pay lower fees per transaction, settle in whichever currency they desire, and make use of the aggregated data that payment orchestration platforms are rich for. It will soon become a necessity and we’re already seeing many payment orchestration platforms become a need in today’s world to enhance the customer experience.

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