What Do I Think as an Edu-preneur?

Dr. Jitin Chadha, Founder and Director, Indian Institute of Art & Design and Indian School of Business & Finance
March 9, 2020 0

A first-generation entrepreneur, Dr. Jitin Chadha is the Founder Director of Indian Institute of Art and Design and Indian School of Business and Finance. Based…

What to Expect in the War for Talent?

Anil Ethanur, Co-Founder and Talent Specialist of Xpheno, India
May 22, 2019 0

Hiring and retaining the best brains available in the market is essential for the companies to stay relevant in the changing times. However, the competition…

Startup Ecosystem in the Indian Campuses

Gaurang Shetty, Chief Innovation Catalyst / CEO, RiiDL - Somaiya Vidyavihar, India
May 10, 2019 0

Gaurang Shetty is currently the Chief Innovation Catalyst / CEO at RiiDL (Research Innovation Incubation Design Laboratory). He also leads the Developer Circles community for…